Guidance for therapeutic exercise implementation


The primary aim of these studies were to develop evidence informed recommendations to aid the delivery of best practice therapeutic exercise for people with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis.  An examination of current literature informing the implementation of therapeutic exercise for patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis, focusing on evidence from systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials was conducted. These findings will help to inform how to implement best practice therapeutic exercise at a sufficient and appropriate dose for patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis.

An international multidisciplinary consensus developed a recommendations summary that highlights  the delivery of best practice therapeutic exercise for people living with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis.

Status of project: completed

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Prof Kim Bennell feature on an OARSI webinar "What does the current evidence tell us  about implementing best practice  therapeutic  exercise  for people with knee and hip osteoarthritis"

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Recommendations for the Delivery of Therapeutic Exercise for People with Knee and/or Hip Osteoarthritis. An International Consensus Study from the OARSI Rehabilitation Discussion Group.

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Guidance for Implementing Best Practice Therapeutic Exercise for Patients With Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: What Does the Current Evidence Base Tell Us?

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OARSI Exercise Implementation Recommendations

Researchers involved in this study included Prof Rana Hinman, Ben Metcalf, and Prof Kim Bennell.

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