Exercise for Hip Pain (PHOENIX)

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The primary aim of this study was to compare the effects of two different exercise programs for people with hip osteoarthritis-related pain and physical dysfunction. Further research is needed to better understand which type of exercise is most beneficial. Participants in each group will receive nine individual physiotherapist consultations and a home exercise program.

Status of project: Recruitment completed

Statistical Analysis Plan


Effects of adding aerobic physical activity to strengthening exercise on hip osteoarthritis symptoms: protocol for the PHOENIX randomised controlled trial

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Exercise band and mat

PHOENIX was designed and developed by researchers (Dr Michelle Hall, Dr Kim Allison, Prof Rana Hinman, Prof Kim Bennell, Dr Fiona Dobson, Libby Spiers, Gabby Knox) at the University of Melbourne, with collaborators from Monash University, The University of Sydney and The University of Queensland. This project is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.

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