Do biomechanical foot-based interventions reduce patellofemoral joint loads in adults with and without patellofemoral pain or osteoarthritis?

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The primary aim of this study was to evaluate biomechanical foot-based interventions (e.g. footwear, insoles, taping and bracing on the foot) on patellofemoral loads in adults with and without patellofemal pain or osteoarthritis.

Status of project: completed

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Do biomechanical  foot-based interventions reduce patellofemoral joint loads in adults with and without patellofemoral pain or osteoarthritis? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Do footwear or insoles reduce patellofemoral joint loads? infographic

Researchers involved in this study included Samual Kayll, Prof Rana Hinman, A/Prof Adam Bryant, Prof Kim Bennell, Patrick Rowe, and A/Prof Kade Paterson.

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