Exercise for knee osteoarthritis targeting high risk physical characteristics (TARGET)

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The primary aim of this study was to investigate two home-based strengthening programs (weight bearing functional exercise versus non-weight bearing quadriceps strengthening exercise) amongst people with knee osteoarthritis and obesity. Exercise is recommended for management of OA, yet very little is known about how people with osteoarthritis and obesity may respond to different exercise programs.

Status of project: completed

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What type of exercise is most effective for people with knee osteoarthritis and co-morbid obesity?: The TARGET randomized controlled trial

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Comparison of weight bearing functional exercise and non-weight bearing quadriceps strengthening exercise on pain and function for people with knee osteoarthritis and obesity: protocol for the TARGET randomised controlled trial

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TARGET study infographic

Researchers involved in this study included Prof Kim Bennell, Prof Rana Hinman, Tim Wrigley, Sarah Schwartz, Alex Kimp, Ben Metcalf and Rachel Nelligan at the University of Melbourne with collaborators at Monash University and University of Queensland. The study was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.

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