Lifting the invisibility cloak: the importance of nurses in efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2023

The Department of Nursing and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre hosted the first of four public nursing seminars on 28 March 2023.

Guest speaker Dr Jacqui Richmond from the Burnet Institute and Barwon Health presented an inspiring address on nurse-led efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis before 2030.

Photograph of Dr Jacqui Richmond and co-presenters

Dr Jacqui Richmond has worked in the viral hepatitis sector for 25 years in nursing, education, social and health services research, and policy development roles. Jacqui is a registered nurse and completed a PhD in 2006. She currently works at the Burnet Institute as the Workforce Development and Health Service Delivery Program Manager for the Eliminate hepatitis C (EC) Australia partnership. The broad focus of Jacqui’s work is building the capacity of the health workforce to test, treat and manage the health care needs of people living with viral hepatitis.

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