Hip Extensor Exercises
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Exercise HE1. Face-down-lying leg lift
Starting position
Lie on your tummy with your hands folded under your chin.
Bend the knee of your arthritis leg, with your toes pulled up.
Keep your hips flat on the floor/firm bed.
Push your heel towards the ceiling, lifting your leg off the bed, and squeezing your buttocks the whole time.
Hold for 2 seconds, and then lower your leg back to the starting position.
Modification option
A pillow may be placed under the tummy for those who experience lower back discomfort.
Exercise HE1.2: 4-point-kneel leg lift
Starting position
Kneel on your hands and knees. Place your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hip.
Lift your tailbone in the air a tiny, tiny bit so there is a very small curve in your back but your back is almost straight.
Keeping the tummy drawn in, slowly kick the study leg backwards, squeezing strongly through the buttocks.
The knee should be kept at 90 degrees (i.e. short lever). Squeeze strongly through the buttock to get the leg in the air. Your thigh should go no further than parallel to your back.
Bring leg back in, and repeat (no need to put the knee down on the ground between repetitions)
** Keep your body very still**
Exercise HE2. Bridge
Starting position
Lie on a mat on the floor or on a firm bed.
Squeeze your buttock muscles, tuck your tailbone under, and lift your hips and buttocks from the bed.
Hold for 3 seconds.
Slowly lower your bottom down to the floor/ bed.
Keep your hips level during the exercise.
Exercise HE2.1 Split leg bridge
Starting position
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor/firm bed.
Place your feet hip-width apart.
Move your arthritis leg slightly closer to your bottom and slightly in towards the center.
Keep your feet in the starting position.
Your arthritis leg should be closer to your bottom and your non-arthritis leg slightly further away.
Lift your bottom. Take more weight through your arthritis leg.
Hold for 3 seconds.
Then slowly lower your bottom down to floor/bed.
Exercise HE2.2 Double to single leg bridge
Starting position
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor/firm bed.
1. Squeeze your buttock muscles, tuck your tailbone under and lift your hips and buttocks from the bed.
2. Keeping your hips level, lift your non-study leg off the floor/bed. Hold for 3 seconds.
3. Then place the non-arthritis leg/foot back on the bed.
4. Slowly lower bottom back down to floor/bed.
Advanced Options
Progress duration of hold OR move on to true single leg bridge as instructed below.
Single leg bridge
Starting position
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor/firm bed.
1. Lift your non-study leg off the floor/bed. Squeeze your buttock muscles and tuck your tailbone underneath you.
2. Keeping your hips level, lift your bottom and pelvis up off the bed using your study leg.
3. Hold for 3 seconds, then slowly lower bottom down to floor/bed.
4. Last of all, lower the non-study leg back to the floor/bed.
Exercise HE3. Hip thrust
Starting position
Lie on your back with your upper back supported on a step or firm couch.
Tighten your buttocks and push through your heels to bring your hips upward.
Hold for 2 seconds, and then slowly lower your hips back to the starting position.
Progressions include adding a weight, or completing this exercise just on your arthritis leg.