Osteoarthritis Educational Videos

Here is a collection of short videos from our expert researchers and people living with osteoarthritis sharing their tips on how to manage osteoarthritis.

Quickly navigate to specific videos by clicking the links found along the left side of the screen.

1. Osteoarthritis- Diagnosis and symptoms

2. Osteoarthritis- Core treatments

3. Osteoarthritis- Benefits of weight loss

4. Osteoarthritis- Weight loss strategies

5. Osteoarthritis- Benefits of exercise and physical activity

6. Osteoarthritis- Exercise is safe

7. Osteoarthritis- Exercise and pain

8. Osteoarthritis- Managing pain from exercise

9. Osteoarthritis-  Tips for starting exercise

10. Osteoarthritis-  Tips for sticking to regular exercise

11. Osteoarthritis-  Jennie's story

12. Osteoarthritis-  Max's story