CentreMHN Clinical Supervision Masterclass

A clinical supervision development program designed to build the clinical supervision capabilities of mental health nurses.

The CentreMHN Clinical Supervision Masterclass is for mental health nurses interested in growing their capabilities and confidence as clinical supervisors.

This practical Masterclass supports nurses in starting up or refreshing their approach to building quality clinical supervision relationships and facilitating effective clinical supervision.

Applications are now open for a new cohort starting in April 2024.

What are the aims?

Our experiential, relational and translational Clinical Supervision Masterclass aims to:

  1. Deliver relational clinical supervision training that supports the wellbeing, flourishing, and professional practice of mental health nurses.
  2. Ready participants to facilitate clinical supervision that enables relational mental health nursing practice that fosters the health, healing and wellbeing of consumers, families, and communities.
  3. Support the implementation of Victoria’s Clinical Supervision for Mental Health Nurses Framework across Victoria’s public mental health and wellbeing services.

Who is the target audience?

The CentreMHN Clinical Supervision Masterclass is for mental health nurses (RNs & ENs) who currently offer or would like to offer clinical supervision in their practice as Clinical Nurse Educators, Psychiatric Nurse Consultants, Clinical Nurse Consultants, Nurse Practitioners, or other education or leadership roles in public mental health and wellbeing services in Victoria. For this reason, we are tailoring the Masterclass to meet the clinical supervision development needs of two primary cohorts over three years:

    • (2023 & 2024): Clinical Nurse Educators, Psychiatric Nurse Consultants, Enrolled Nurses in education support roles and other mental health nurses in education and professional roles in public sector mental health and wellbeing services in Victoria.
    • (2025): Mental health nurses in Clinical Nurse Consultant, Nurse Practitioner, and other advanced practice clinical and non-clinical leadership roles in Victoria’s public mental health and wellbeing services.

How is the program delivered?

The CentreMHN Clinical Supervision Masterclass is delivered through nine online modules over nine weeks. Each module consists of 60-120 minutes of self-directed active learning and a 105 minute facilitated workshop that includes clinical supervision practice sessions.

What approaches underpin the Masterclass?

We know that narrative, relationship, and reflection are at the heart of mental health nursing and clinical supervision. For this reason, narrative, relational, and reflective pedagogical approaches underpin the course design, delivery, and meaningful translation of learning into clinical supervision practice.

Throughout this Clinical Supervision Masterclass, we intentionally privilege experiential, relational, and translational approaches to growing the clinical supervision capabilities of mental health nurses. A commitment to receiving and providing clinical supervision throughout the program and beyond is a requirement of Masterclass participation.

For more information about the CentreMHN Clinical Supervision Masterclass, please contact cmhn-info@unimelb.edu.au