
We are very proud to have a number of recent PhD graduates.

Prof. Algis Vingrys, Flora Hui and A/Prof Bang Bui

Flora Hui examined similarities between blood vessels in the eye and brain. Using dynamic fluorescein angiography she showed that blood vessels in both locations showed similar leakage following a systemic insult. Thus imaging the readily accessible retinal blood vessels provide useful information about the health of the blood vessels in the brain. Flora was supervised by A/Prof. Bang Bui, Prof. Algis Vingrys and Dr. Christine Nguyen.

Prof. Algis Vingrys, Marzieh Fadardi, A/Prof Larry Abel and A/Prof Bang Bui

Marzieh Salehi Fadardi examined the interaction of mental workload and gaze direction on visual performance in infantile nystagmus syndrome, thereby suggesting ways in which patients’ vision could be better and more realistically assessed and the effects of treatments better understood. She was supervised by A/Prof. Larry Abel.

Frank Giorlando and Dr. Andrew Anderson

Psychiatrist Dr Frank Giorlando was awarded his PhD for his thesis entitled “Temporal disintegration: a phenomenological and neurophysiological investigation”.

Frank used various behavioural measures – including eye movements - to investigate the mechanisms that cause the disruption to time perception seen in bipolar disorder and in certain drug use, and was supervised by Prof. Michael Berk and co-supervised by Dr. Andrew Anderson.

A/Prof. Andrew Metha and Xiaolin Zhou

Congratulations to Xiaolin (Joe) Zhou for completing his PhD entitled "Improving adaptive optics image quality in high-powered eyes".

He investigated novel ways of improving how living eyes can be imaged at microscopic scales using "adaptive optics". This work will guide the development of future ophthalmoscopes, and is important because of the enormous potential for in-vivo high-resolution retinal imaging to increase our knowledge of eye disease; validate rodent models of ocular disease, and accelerate development and testing of novel therapies. Xiaolin was supervised by A/Prof. Andrew Metha and Dr. Phil Bedggood.

Amanda Douglass and A/Prof Larry Abel

Congratulations to Amanda Douglass for completing her PhD entitled "Eye movements in neurocognitive disorders and frontotemporal dementia". Amanda was supervised by A/Prof Larry Abel.